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計劃目的 / 理念
「友・戲 FUN 」是 加拿大亞裔及多元文化事工 的青年平台,以過程音樂劇的藝術創作演出,讓青年人擴濶世界視野、挑戰自我界限、建立互動團隊、增進友誼及歡愉。「友・戲 FUN 」是一個非牟利志願團體,完全依賴支持者的捐助及友情襄助。
友・戲 FUN (Chinese characters meaning: Friends and Theatre) is a process theatre platform for young people launched by the Asian and Multicultural Ministries in Canada. Our goal is to provide an opportunity through musical theatrical creation and performances for young people to expand their horizon, to challenge their limits, to build team collaboration, to make friends and have fun. YHF Theatre is a non-profit volunteer community, who relies on financial and material sponsorship from friends and supporters.
Our Performance

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