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Poster of YHF24 production "Sparkles of Blessing"

演出場地 Venue

Norman & Annette Rothstein Theatre

950 W 41st Ave, Vancouver, BC


故事根據真人真事改編,故事背景為70年代的香港。貧窮的一家六口本住在擠逼的臨時房屋區,因一場大火,父母同葬火海,遺下四個可憐的小朋友。一位與其父母同鄉的遠房親戚 (亞伯) 被臨危託孤獨,他不但獨力承擔沉重責任,更決意終身不娶,把一生奉獻在養育這四位小朋友身上,盡顯人性光輝。



This story is based on a true story and set in 1970s Hong Kong.  A poor family of six lived in cramped temporary housing area. Due to a massive fire, the parents perished, leaving behind four unfortunate children.  A distant relative, Uncle Leung, from the same hometown, stepped forward in the moment of crisis.  He not only took on the heavy responsibility alone but also vowed never to marry, dedicating his life to raising these four children, showcasing the brightness of human nature.

Looking at the life of Uncle Leung, he faced various challenges and hardships in family, work, finances, and relationships. How did he overcome these challenges and obstacles? How did his life influence the growth of these four children?

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